Augusto S.

Augusto S.

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Front End Developer

5 years of exp.

Profile Summary

Full Stack Web Developer with extensive experience in designing and developing web applications. Proficient in both front-end and back-end technologies, ensuring seamless user experiences. Strong background in cloud services and DevOps practices, enhancing deployment efficiency. Committed to continuous learning and applying innovative solutions to complex problems.

Work Experience

House Of Yards

Full-Stack Developer
  • Jan, 2022 - Present
  • United States
  • Designed and developed a landing page as a Single Page Application using Angular, Strapi CMS, Node.js, Typescript, ensuring management of 100% of the content.
  • Engineered a SaaS application distributed across three subdomains, employing TypeScript, React.js, and Next.js for the front end, Python and Django for the back end, PostgreSQL for the database, and Stripe for secure payment processing, resulting in an optimized user experience and increased customer satisfaction.
  • Created an Admin, Moderator, and Customer portal dashboard to manage 2 address search API settings, Ads content, Payment methods, and User requests.
  • Built a robust infrastructure with staging and production servers, establishing 100% automated deployment pipeline through Git and AWS instances.
  • Followed Scrum methodologies, including sprint planning, backlog grooming, daily stand-ups, and sprint retrospectives, to ensure project success, resulting in a 20% increase in productivity and a 15% reduction in project timeline.


React.jsTypeScriptPythonAWSStripePostgreSQLAngularContent Management System (CMS)DjangoNext.jsNode.jsScrumGit




Full-Stack Developer
  • Apr, 2020 - Jan, 2022
  • Singapore
  • Crafted a mock-up that imports 2 product and section lists from DynamoDB and generates a planogram, using Angular.js, Material UI, Typescript, and Node.js.
  • Created a customer dashboard UI, visualizing planograms in three viewports (skeleton, 2D, 3D) with React.js, Three.js, and D3.js.
  • Developed a back-end GraphQL server using Python, Django, and PostgreSQL, providing over 30 endpoints for product analysis, planogram optimization, and product detail storage, with Redis for caching.
  • Collaborated with the algorithm team to develop an AI model that optimizes planograms using PyTorch, and TensorFlow, resulting in a 25% increase in efficiency.
  • Assisted in deploying the AI model via MLOps on AWS, achieving a 10% reduction in operational costs.


React.jsTypeScriptPythonAWSPostgreSQLRedisDjangoNode.jsPyTorchTensorFlowMaterial UI (MUI)Three.jsD3.jsAngular.js


Artificial IntelligenceSoftware


Full-Stack Developer
  • Aug, 2019 - Mar, 2020
  • Argentina
  • Produced a landing page using PHP, WordPress CMS, and MySQL, leading to a 15% improvement in website loading speed.
  • Generated a customer portal view with React.js, Material UI 4.0, Typescript for the front-end and Node.js, Express, Apollo, GraphQL, and MySQL for the back-end.
  • Established an order tracking system and matchmaking strategy that significantly increased revenue by 15% and improved delivery speed by 20% for customers and users, leveraging Redis, Python, and AWS SNS.
  • Built server infrastructure using AWS ECS as the cloud server, and Docker, Kubernetes, Git for a 100% automatic CI/CD pipeline.
  • Collaborated with the mobile team to develop a mobile application for both Android and iOS platforms using React Native, ensuring 100% payment safety for users.


React.jsTypeScriptPythonAmazon Simple Notification Service (AWS SNS)MySQLRedisNode.jsReact NativeWordPressPHPDockerGitGraphQLMaterial UI (MUI)Express KubernetesApollo




Bachelor's degree
  • Computer Science
  • Universidad Tecnológica Nacional, Argentina
  • 2019


Python Professional
  • IEEE ITA J.P.Morgan
Certificated Django Developer
  • Arrow Academy
MERN Certified Expert
  • Coderhouse

All Skills

  • Languages

    • JavaScript | 3 yrs
    • TypeScript | 4 yrs
    • Python | 4 yrs
    • PHP | 1 yr
  • Libraries

    • React.js | 4 yrs
    • PyTorch | 1 yr
    • TensorFlow | 1 yr
    • Three.js | 1 yr
    • D3.js | 1 yr
    • Angular.js | 1 yr
    • Apollo | 1 yr
  • Cloud

    • AWS | 4 yrs
    • Azure | 1 yr
    • Amazon Simple Notification Service (AWS SNS) | 1 yr
    • Google Cloud | 1 yr
    • Kubernetes | 1 yr
  • Databases

    • MongoDb | 1 yr
    • MySQL | 1 yr
    • PostgreSQL | 4 yrs
    • Redis | 2 yrs
  • APIs

    • Stripe | 2 yrs
    • GraphQL | 1 yr
  • Frameworks

    • Angular | 2 yrs
    • Bootstrap | 2 yrs
    • Content Management System (CMS) | 2 yrs
    • Django | 4 yrs
    • Flask | 1 yr
    • Next.js | 2 yrs
    • Node.js | 4 yrs
    • React Native | 1 yr
    • WordPress | 1 yr
    • Material UI (MUI) | 2 yrs
    • Express | 1 yr
  • Paradigms

    • Scrum | 2 yrs
  • Tools

    • CI/CD Pipelines | 2 yrs
    • CSS | 3 yrs
    • Docker | 1 yr
    • Git | 3 yrs
    • HTML | 3 yrs
    • Nginx | 1 yr