Ariel R.

Ariel R.

Brasilia, Brazil

Mobile Developer

10 years of exp.

Profile Summary

Experienced Senior Android Developer with 9 years of expertise in Kotlin and Java. Skilled in crafting high-quality mobile applications that exceed user expectations. Passionate about innovation and staying updated with industry trends.

Primary Skills

Java | 9 yrsKotlin | 9 yrsPython | 9 yrsAndroid Jetpack | 9 yrsAndroid | 9 yrsAndroid Studio | 9 yrs

Culture Profile

In workplace, I am known for . . .
  • having a creative mindset.
  • for having extensive knowledge of old as well as new technologies.
I thrive in environments . . .
  • where spaces are provided to continue training.
  • where feedback are provided positively.
I struggle in environments . . .
  • with Micromanagement.
  • without opportunities of progress.

Work Experience


Senior Android Developer
  • Jan, 2020 - Present
  • Remote
  • Led the migration of a legacy Android application to the latest architecture components and Jetpack libraries, resulting in a 50% reduction in technical debt and empowering the development team to iterate more efficiently on new features.
  • Implemented advanced offline capabilities using Room database and WorkManager, allowing users to seamlessly access and interact with critical app functionalities even in low or no network connectivity scenarios, enhancing user experience and satisfaction.
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to implement A/B testing frameworks and analytics tools, enabling data-driven decision-making and iterative improvements to features and user experiences, resulting in a 20% increase in user engagement metrics.


JavaScriptJavaCloud Mobile AppJava SEOracle Database Mobile ServerAndroid JetpackMobile DevelopmentScrumiOSAndroidAndroid StudioJira


IT Services


Android Developer
  • Jan, 2017 - Jan, 2020
  • Remote
  • Successfully integrated cutting-edge machine learning models into an Android application, enabling real-time image recognition capabilities without compromising performance, garnering recognition from industry peers for pushing the boundaries of mobile AI.
  • Implemented robust security measures, including biometric authentication and data encryption, fortifying the privacy and integrity of user data within the app, ensuring compliance with stringent regulatory requirements and earning trust from users.
  • Championed accessibility initiatives by overhauling UI/UX elements to adhere to WCAG guidelines, making the app more inclusive and user-friendly for individuals with disabilities, receiving accolades for fostering inclusivity and social responsibility in app development.


JavaScriptJavaCloud Mobile AppJava SEOracle Database Mobile ServerAndroid JetpackMobile DevelopmentiOSAndroidAndroid Studio


Financial ServicesFintech

Flash Courier

Android Developer
  • Jan, 2014 - Jan, 2017
  • Remote
  • Designed and implemented a modular architecture for a complex Android application, resulting in a reduction in codebase complexity and significantly enhancing maintainability and scalability.
  • Led the development of a highly-rated mobile application featured on the Google Play Store, achieving over 1 million downloads within the first six months of launch and receiving positive user reviews for its intuitive user interface and seamless performance.
  • Optimized app performance and reduced loading times through meticulous profiling, refactoring critical components, and implementing advanced caching strategies, resulting in improved user retention and engagement metrics.


JavaScriptJavaCloud Mobile AppJava SEOracle Database Mobile ServerAndroid JetpackMobile DevelopmentScrumiOSAndroidAndroid StudioJira




Bachelor's degree
  • Computer Engineering
  • FACAMP - Faculdades de Campinas, Brazil
  • 2014


Developers Certification
  • Google for Developers
  • 2022
Android Developer Certification
  • Xataka
  • 2022
Play Protect
  • Android
  • 2022
Java Certification
  • Udemy
  • 2021

All Skills

  • Languages

    • JavaScript | 7 yrs
    • Java | 9 yrs
    • Kotlin | 9 yrs
    • Python | 9 yrs
  • Frameworks

    • Vue.js | 8 yrs
    • ASP.NET | 7 yrs
  • Cloud

    • AWS | 8 yrs
    • Cloud Mobile App | 3 yrs
    • Gradle App Engine Plugin | 9 yrs
    • Java SE | 7 yrs
    • Oracle Database Mobile Server | 7 yrs
  • Databases

    • SQL Server | 7 yrs
    • MongoDb | 8 yrs
  • Tools

    • GitHub | 7 yrs
    • Gitlab | 7 yrs
    • Android Studio | 9 yrs
    • Gradle | 7 yrs
    • Jira | 7 yrs
  • Libraries

    • Android Jetpack | 9 yrs
  • Paradigms

    • Mobile Development | 7 yrs
    • Scrum | 8 yrs
  • Platforms

    • iOS | 8 yrs
    • Android | 9 yrs