Andrii K.

Andrii K.

Lviv, Ukraine

Full Stack Developer

11 years of exp.

Profile Summary

Senior FullStack Developer with over 9 years of experience based in Ukraine. Proficient in JavaScript, Python, Java, and a range of other technologies. Specialized in crafting elegant, user-friendly web applications. Eager to tackle new challenges and utilize my skills to drive a positive impact.

Primary Skills

JavaScript | 9 yrsReact.js | 9 yrsVue.js | 9 yrsTypeScript | 9 yrsJava | 9 yrs

Culture Profile

In workplace, I am known for . . .
  • being the only Lord of the Rings fan.
  • being the one willing to guide the new team members.
I thrive in environments . . .
  • where i can share my opinion freely.
  • where I can participate in challenging projects.
I struggle in environments . . .
  • where I am required to work with old technology only.
  • where there is toxic management practices.

Work Experience


Sr FullStack Developer
  • Jan, 2022 - Present
  • Remote
  • Created a reusable component library using technologies like React and Storybook, streamlining UI development across multiple projects. This initiative reduced development time and ensured consistency in design and functionality across the application suite.
  • Implemented a GraphQL API layer to replace traditional REST endpoints, enabling more efficient data fetching and empowering clients to request only the data they need. This optimization reduced network overhead and enhanced the flexibility and performance of our application.
  • Implemented an A/B testing framework to experiment with different features and user interfaces, allowing data-driven decision-making to optimize user engagement and conversion rates. By analyzing test results and iterating on successful variations, we achieved an increase in key metrics.
  • Initiated and led a technical mentorship program within the engineering team, providing guidance and support to junior developers. Through regular code reviews, pair programming sessions, and knowledge-sharing workshops, we fostered a culture of continuous learning and professional growth.


JavaScriptReact.jsVue.jsTypeScriptJavaPythonSQL ServerAzure SQLAzure SQL EdgeCloud SQLJava SEExpress.jsNext.jsNode.jsNewtonsoft.JsonReduxBackbone.jsEmber.js


Artificial IntelligenceSoftware


Sr FullStack Developer
  • Jan, 2020 - Jan, 2022
  • United States
  • Integrated machine learning models into our application to provide personalized recommendations for users. By leveraging natural language processing techniques, we improved user engagement and increased conversion rates.
  • Orchestrated the migration of our infrastructure to a serverless architecture, leveraging platforms like AWS Lambda and API Gateway. This transition optimized resource utilization, reduced operational costs, and improved scalability, ensuring seamless handling of traffic spikes.
  • Implemented robust security measures, including data encryption, role-based access control, and regular security audits. By proactively addressing potential vulnerabilities, we fortified our application against cyber threats.
  • Introduced comprehensive performance monitoring tools and conducted in-depth analysis to identify and resolve bottlenecks. By fine-tuning database queries, optimizing server-side code, and implementing caching strategies, we achieved an improvement in application performance.


JavaScriptReact.jsVue.jsTypeScriptJavaPythonSQL ServerAzure SQLAzure SQL EdgeJava SEOracle SQL Developer Command Line Express.jsNext.jsNode.jsReduxBackbone.jsEmber.js


IT Services

NanoTech42 Ltd

FullStack Developer
  • Jan, 2013 - Jan, 2020
  • Remote
  • Led the design and implementation of a robust microservices architecture, enhancing the scalability and performance of our application. This initiative resulted in a 30% reduction in response time and improved overall system reliability.
  • Spearheaded the establishment of a CI/CD pipeline, automating the build, test, and deployment processes. This streamlined development workflows, reduced manual errors, and accelerated time-to-market.
  • Successfully optimized front-end performance by implementing best practices such as lazy loading, code splitting, and image optimization. As a result, we achieved a 50% improvement in page load times, leading to enhanced user experience and increased customer satisfaction.
  • Actively participated in cross-functional teams, collaborating with designers, product managers, and QA engineers to deliver high-quality features on time. By fostering open communication and sharing technical expertise.


JavaScriptReact.jsVue.jsJavaPythonSQL ServerAzure SQLJava SEExpress.jsNext.jsNode.jsPHPNewtonsoft.JsonBackbone.jsEmber.js




Bachelor's degree
  • Computer Engineering
  • Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, Ukraine
  • 2013
Master's degree
  • Computer Systems and Network
  • Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, Ukraine
  • 2015


Advanced Python: Practical Database Examples
  • LinkedIn
  • 2022
Advanced Python: Working With Data
  • LinkedIn
  • 2022
Advanced Python: Working with Databases
  • LinkedIn
  • 2022
ETL and ELT in PostgreSQL
  • LinkedIn
  • 2022
Full Stack Web Development with Flask
  • LinkedIn
  • 2022

All Skills

  • Languages

    • JavaScript | 9 yrs
    • TypeScript | 9 yrs
    • Java | 9 yrs
    • Kotlin | 8 yrs
    • Python | 7 yrs
    • PHP | 8 yrs
  • Libraries

    • React.js | 9 yrs
    • Newtonsoft.Json | 8 yrs
    • Redux | 7 yrs
    • Backbone.js | 7 yrs
  • Frameworks

    • Vue.js | 9 yrs
    • Express.js | 7 yrs
    • Next.js | 7 yrs
    • Node.js | 7 yrs
    • Ember.js | 8 yrs
  • Databases

    • SQL Server | 8 yrs
  • Tools

    • Gitlab | 8 yrs
  • Cloud

    • Azure SQL | 8 yrs
    • Azure SQL Edge | 8 yrs
    • Cloud SQL | 8 yrs
    • Java SE | 8 yrs
    • Oracle SQL Developer Command Line | 7 yrs