Alejandro T.

Alejandro T.

Xalapa, Mexico

UI/UX Designer

9 years of exp.

Profile Summary

Senior UX/UI Designer with 9 years of experience in the industry. I'm a lover of social networks, and I am an early adopter of technology. I fuse creativity with functionality to shape captivating digital experiences. I create interfaces that prioritize user engagement and satisfaction.

Primary Skills

Java | 9 yrsCSS3 | 9 yrsHTML5 | 9 yrsFigma | 8 yrsAutoCAD | 9 yrsSketch | 9 yrs

Culture Profile

In workplace, I am known for . . .
  • my keen eye for detail.
  • my strong leadership skills.
I thrive in environments . . .
  • that allowing me to innovate and push the boundaries of design.
  • that provide opportunities for growth and learning.
I struggle in environments . . .
  • with a lack of autonomy and independence.
  • where there's a lack of transparency.

Work Experience

NexGenTech Innovations

Senior UX/UI Designer
  • Feb, 2018 - Present
  • Remote
  • Led the overhaul of NexGenTech's software interface, resulting in a 40% improvement in user satisfaction and a 25% reduction in user errors.
  • Introduced a design system, enhancing consistency across products and reducing design implementation time by 30%.
  • Conducted A/B testing on UI elements, boosting user engagement by 25% and increasing conversion rates by 20%.





Innovix Solutions

UX/UI Designer
  • Mar, 2015 - Jan, 2018
  • Remote
  • I was part of the E-commerce team, ensuring the checkout of all the products were sold, making the UI/UX design, and improving the old design for the website in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, and Mexico.
  • Together with the software engineers team, I worked on the interaction design of the website, improving the user experience (UX) and modifying the interface for better performance. I designed the mobile application and the website.
  • Conducted comprehensive user testing, leading to the optimization of checkout flows and a 35% decrease in abandoned carts.


JavaTest-Driven Development Unit TestingFigmaAutoCADSketch




Bachelor's degree
  • Systems Engineering
  • Centro Universitario IMEC, Mexico
  • 2014


UX/UI Design Specialization
  • Coursera
  • 2018
Interaction Design Foundation Certified UX Designer
  • Interaction Design Foundation
  • 2020

All Skills

  • Languages

    • Java | 9 yrs
    • CSS3 | 9 yrs
    • HTML5 | 9 yrs
  • Cloud

    • Oracle Designer | 3 yrs
  • Libraries

    • Tailwind CSS | 7 yrs
  • Paradigms

    • Design Patterns | 8 yrs
    • Domain-Driven Design | 6 yrs
    • Enterprise Design | 5 yrs
    • Test-Driven Development | 6 yrs
    • Unit Testing | 7 yrs
  • Tools

    • Figma | 8 yrs
    • Jira | 8 yrs
    • AutoCAD | 9 yrs
    • Sketch | 9 yrs